Lean Management

 While not always  common wisdom, experience shows that no system or organization can  operate to full potential without effective lean management techniques.  Many lean manufacturing programs do not adequately address the lean  management dimension to organizational change. The material covered in  this module will provide the necessary thinking, methods, and lean  management techniques to foster team member buy in and ownership. The  goal of this module is to prepare practitioners with the skills and  knowledge to create an effective, productive, and accountable lean  management culture. 

The Role of Lean Management

 The initial section  in the lean management module covers material relating to the role of  management in a lean organization. Thorough discussions on how to  motivate and develop people as the human resource are the key focus.  Basic thinking behind how to structure lean management layers is  reviewed as well as the role of the lean office within an organization.  

Fundamentals of Lean Management

 Section 02 in the  lean management module reviews the fundamentals of lean management. The  material discusses good lean management techniques in the context of  defining and attaining goals and targets. The individual stages of goal  development and realization are examined and recommended approaches are  considered.  Learn how to develop and execute a lean management system.  

Behavior Management

 The third section in the management module focuses on identifying and visualizing the causes of bad behaviors.  The module covers tools to help move beyond the road block of 'people problems' and understand how team member behavior can be modified and improved in sustainable ways through process changes.